HSRP is one of the most know FHRP (Fisrt Hop Routing) protocols proposed by Cisco to help secure (in terms of redundancy) the gateway (for hosts or servers) in a LAN. The objective is...
The idea of this lab is to craft an IPv6 packet from scratch using Python and Scapy library. The IDE I use is JetBrains PyCharm Community Edition 2018.3.1 x64 which is available for free...
In this post we’ll deep into the operation of BGP that is a Border Gateway protocol aimed at connecting (routing information exchange) autonomous system in contrast with IGP (Interior Gateway Protocols) that run into...
By definition, the BGP synchronization rule requires that when a BGP router receives information about a network from an I(nternal)-BGP neighbor, it does not use this information until a matching route : static or...
In this lab we implement a basic security architecture to demonstrate the operation of a firewall cluster to protect our network. Our “security domain” is segmented into four zones: Our security topology is compound...